Trust God Not Yourself


Most of us come from generations of immigrants, our families came from another country to start a new and better life. "The American Dream" it's called. My father was one of those people. He lived a very comfortable life in Mexico, a well known successful architect. Still he felt something missing, something felt unfinished, he wanted to prove to his family and  to himself that he could be successful anywhere with another dream. He worked multiple jobs, jobs he was overqualified for, jobs he had no passion doing, day after day but he never gave up. He rested his faith in God. He gave his worries to God. Obedience, that's what my father had. Obedience in God and HIS timing. My father taught me to never waiver in God's timing and what he has called me to do. To full heartly trust God, so why do I see and hear so many that don't. It's something I can't quite figure out why people have such a hard time trusting God. When everything appears well in life people love to say "I'm blessed, God's blessing", but why when life is at its worst people say "God is punishing me, God hates me". Why? Why do we not trust God to make it better? We hit rock bottom and say we have nothing to give God. We believe we have nothing because we lose homes, jobs, money, family. But we have all we need, we have a beating heart, we have time, we have our bodies. Give yourself, give your time, your body, and mind. There isn't more that God wants. YOU alone is ENOUGH! We trust pilots, bus drivers, self driving cars, even professional athletes to get the job done each day, but we can't trust God? How can we have faith in everything but the one who loves us the most. How do we choose to not make time for the one who gives us our time on earth and gives us eternal life. It's reckless, it's a reckless life to live without Faith and Trust in God. God has already moved he's waiting for you to make your move! Just as Abraham did, he decided to trust God and go where God told him to go, and thought at times things seemed unsure and difficult his faith didn't waiver. It stood strong and obedient. Trust God in the highest moments and in the lowest moments, trust God more than you trust yourself.



Dear Lord be my teacher, teach me how to trust you everyday through the good and bad. Lord help me to see the things I lose as lessons. Never let my ego be greater than your grace, never let me think I am better than the person next to me at my highest. Create a new me, a new wine, a new heart in pursuit of you and all your goodness.

Lessons are just disguised blessings.
— Shantel Dormady

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

-Proverbs 3:5 ESV

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”

-Psalm 28:7 ESV

“He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.”

-Psalm 112:7 ESV



I pray you learn to see blessings when you feel you are in a cave. Sometimes all it takes is a persistent heart, a grateful attitude and a change mind. God wants to give you everything you want and more but what are you giving, what are you praying? Trust that your situation will be alright, trust God in the lesson he is teaching you and be grateful for the blessing he is sends your way.