Living Intentional


New year new me, the most popular and overrated quote every January. When in reality we all go back to last years bad habits and traits. We set ourselves up for failure when we pretend that a new year is going to bring new change into our lives but we insist on carrying burdens from previous years. We say “THIS IS IT, THIS YEAR IS MINE but really what are we claiming is ours? It may be a new year but most of us carry last year’s pain and hurt, we carry debt, mistrust, disappointment. Disappointment in God, that he did not meet our desires in the previous year. We have doubt in our hearts that we try to cover up instead of being honest and coming with it in prayer. Let God know your disappointment, he can take it. When God puts you through a season of despair…PRAY. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and don’t stop. I gave up new year resolutions a long time ago. I felt like it was a reminder of me trying to do the impossible and that my goals were just too far to reach. I change a yearly resolution into daily intention. Every morning I chose to wake up and commit myself to do better today than I did yesterday. Sometimes I get it right other days I fall short, but instead of feeling like I ruined a ‘positive streak” and get upset, I accept I fall short to intentional behavior. God sees my intention and my heart each day. Instead of taking life into your own hands with a new promise, bring it to God. God wants to be a part of your new year, he doesn’t want to be left behind. It’s a new year not a new life, live it with INTENTION.



Dear Lord I don’t want to believe in a false promise to myself, I want to live in an intentional life with intentional behavior towards my goals. I want to see you take my life and guide me to my next level. Only you can bring me out of my depths and see me through. I believe you see my heart and that it is good. I refuse to believe that you want me to fail and want me to suffer. You are a good father, help me to lean onto your understandings and not my own.

“Live intentional in all that you do.”
— Shantel Dormady

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

-James 1:12

“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

-Philippians 3:12-14 



Everyday we should try our best to be the best version we can be of ourselves. To live life with good intentions and not for just the rewards we receive. I pray this song may reach into your heart of who you desire to be and give you the realization that anyone is capable of change and being the best version of themselves.