Raising Warriors


Raise your hand if being a parent has kicked your butt..are you raising your hand? I am. Being a parent is overwhelming, it's busy, it's unique for every parent. I love being a mom even through the storm, it's when God has shown me his hand. Most of us believe we are meant to give our child the world, hand it to them on a platter but that couldn't be anymore not true. We are meant to shelter our children, feed them, clothe them and train them up with God. Today's world has told you otherwise. It's told us to buy the best toys, the best brands, to put them in sports and dance classes. It has told us that if we don't take them to theme parks that we aren't letting them experience life. In reality what today's world has really done is stolen from you, it's stolen your child's time and your time with God. It's stolen your money and peace of mind. Today's world wants you to fall in depression so you will buy medicine, or buy happiness with Disneyland tickets. For anyone who knows me knows my family and I love Disneyland, we love to buy our son his wants almost as much as his needs and we believe in putting him in sports for joy and discipline. We also believe in a routine of Bible study time everyday, we believe we must pray first in the morning and last at night. We believe to still live our life through a Biblical view and not today's culture. It's the world's will to see us fail but it's God's will to see us and our children succeed. Our children can not and will not succeed without a relationship with God. A life without it's foundation on God has always shown to crumble eventually. Someone once asked me "why does my child need to know God they are only a child." That is why. Children are pure, children are beautiful gifts from God, children are filled with love, but children are also small and fragile, they are filled emotions that most times they can not express, they are what the enemy wants the most. If we raise them to praise God we start to create a life lasting bond that they can always turn to even when our days have expired. We set up our children to have God's wisdom within them, God's strength and God's love over them. God wants nothing more but to see his children love him with abandonment. We lost sight of what we as parents were destined to do. We lost our sight of commitment to raise our child up with God and substitute it the mediocore 'yes we believe in God", but where's the commitment? Where is the time we give and the desperate declaration that we need our Father. If we never lost sight of commitment we would have 7.53 billion people who worship, praise and love God. A world filled with people who love The Devine, people who pray and celebrate Jehovah everyday. Imagine a world so amazing, I can. If we raise up our children from birth with christ we create warriors. Warriors to take on the world, warriors to heal the world, love the world, and create for the world. We have the chance every generation to change the future and have it with more peace and love. God gives us the power of free will to choose what path we want for our child and essentially the world. Doing God's work does great things for ourselves and for our children, pray with your children, take your children to church with you, read the Bible with your children, strength them for whatever is to come in their future. Give them the tools so that they are equipped to take any threat to their faith. And when they fall they are stronger , strong enough to get back up with passion to move forward. There is no greater gift you can give your child than a relationship with our Father. There is no greater love than our Father's.


"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”

-Isaiah 54:13

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom[a] you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”

-2 Timothy 3:14-15

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”

-Psalm 127:3-5



This is a very personal song for me. It has become my families anthem through our storms with our son and our unborn child. I found it from the soundtrack of the movie “The shack”, which highly recommend every parent to see. It came at time were I was heavily worried about my son. I tend to be very paranoid from time to time but hearing this song moved something in me, it gave me hope. It gave me words to pray over my son. It turned into my son’s favorite song for over a year and every time we turn up the speaker and sing it together I can feel the love and power surrounding us.