

We set our eyes on the prize and run towards it full speed, full force and expecting no hurdles. I mean honestly who doesn’t want the process easier and faster? I know I do, but what if instead of rushing to the ending we enjoyed the process at little more. I sound crazy I know I know but let’s just say your goal is to have more money and right now you have $20 in your account you can take that moment and cry about it and feel like your drowning or you can cry about it, thank God for what you do have and learn how to survive with less. Instead of over spending you can learn how to budget and live with less, because honestly less is always more. When you least expect it you will stop living paycheck to paycheck and have more than you ever thought you could and now you are skilled with wisdom of finances. God gives us all our needs and wants but first he must prepare us for it.

A grateful heart brings on a magnitude of miracles. There is a lesson in every detour we take, there’s always wisdom in our struggle. My husband and I went through many struggles as a young family including lack of finances, infidelity and spiritual warfare. At the time we cried why but as time went on we started to thank God for the process because it made our marriage stronger and more beautiful. We now know how to properly handle our finances, we know less is more and found true happiness at home with each other. We know how to communicate, value and respect each others instead of bottling everything and finding comfort in someone else. We found a friendship that we don’t need to search for in others. Most of all we learned if we truly put God in the center of ALL that we do everything will work for us and not against us.

If you have a spouse I urge you to come together and truly become a team, take on the process together because you are always stronger together than apart. If you are single and building a life on your own remember you are not alone there is God being the architect of your life. Reach out to friends and family just for positive words, I promise you there is always someone rooting for you even if it’s in silence. You may not like the path you are currently on but know it just takes one step to get back onto your path of success.



Lord sometimes I believe that you have left me alone to fend for myself, sometimes I struggle in keeping my faith and believing you work for me. I want to be at peace around chaos, I want to see the lessons as I walk towards my goals. I want success but I want to want you more than anything. So come and move things within me , come and let me see as you do. And if I ever need a reminder show me your hand.

Don’t be discourage when you fall on the path, God is there to pick you up.
— Shantel Dormady

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

-Psalm 119:105

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

- Proverbs 3:6

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11



Sometimes we feel like we are doing life alone, but that’s so far from the truth. Sometimes we have to go through what we need to to get to where we are meant to be. Sometimes we have to be out of our minds to be who we are destine to be. I pray that this song is a reminder that you will NEVER BE ON YOUR OWN.