Time is God's Gift


When time continues to pass us by we are left with another yesterday, the memories we made and the things we wish we did. We live each day saying tomorrow this or that, next week we will do this, next month I’ll start living my dream but as we all know too well nothing happens except more time has passed. Have you ever had a dream of yourself running and running but no matter how much you run you never end up moving, you never get to the place you where you are running to? I had dreams constantly about creating my own blog, but I always said maybe one day, not now I’m not ready. Truthfully nothing was in my way or stopping me but myself. 

I lived in fear of failure before it even happened and sometimes that just what it is fear over something that won’t ever happen. It took a few years to finally have the courage I prayed for and to stop fighting with God about his plans, but what about the things that are out of control..Like time passing having us growing older, and the child who was just one is now almost ten years old. The thought of them becoming older and growing closer to the age where you can no longer control every surrounding around them or be there for every mistake to help clean it up. It makes you feel suffocated, powerless, it keeps you up at night because the thought of leaving them when they still need you is painful enough. Time  just seems to continue to slip away and nothing can stop it or slow it down… or did it? Right now we are all being forced into a slower routine of life, we are all learning how to spend family time again, we are learning how to be a home school parent, and we are learning what fear in the world can do.

As I thought about this I couldn’t help to think of Moses and the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt. They left Egypt moving forward with dreams of their future and having freedom. What they didn’t know was time was running out for them to reach safety.  When they reached the Red Sea they had a moment of waiting, waiting for Moses or God to do something to make a way when there seemed to be none. So Moses waited for God’s words and when he spoke he listened to God’s instructions even with fear all around him he believed there was a way through God. He spread the sea and made a way, he knew this wasn’t the end. What about now? Are you making the best of your time or just counting the days until you can go back to a faster paced life? I pray no one forgets about this moment and how it impacted us all. Don’t forget what you learned and the patience it brought to your life, do not forget to continue to have family meals and family time. Do not forget that your spouse is your partner not roommate and do not forget the dreams that you dreamt and decided to run after. I can’t tell you that you will find complete comfort in the time that passes but I can leave you with this…”For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8



Lord I trust you in the Chaos, I know you have plans for me during this time of chaos. I know you are shaping my mind and changing things in me. You are moving things for me and I know every loss or struggle is only for a greater gift you have for me. Please continue to keep my loved ones safe and keep any sickness or disease away from our bodies and fill it with the Holy spirit. Take my eyes away from the media and all that wants to keep me in fear and fix my eyes on you and your comfort. When this is over and your work is finished may I keep what you have transformed in me.

When fear comes to paralyze, you come with the Holy spirit to move the impossible, when sickness comes to take a life you come to heal.
— Shantel Dormady

“Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

- James 4:14

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

- Jeremiah 29:11


May God protect you and your family, may healing come to your city and life be restored but not back to what it was but into something new and greater than before. Everyday that passes is a gift of God’s love and he’s just waiting for you to put a smile on his face and walk on the path he has called you for. God will never promise you anything that does not already belong to you.