Stand In Your Love And Unity


I write when God speaks to me or when inspiration hits me, as I was cleaning out my closet last week I started to reread some prayers I have written down and I found a journal entry written months ago but very related to what is going on in current times. I’m a true believer in using my voice and speaking about unity in times of division, God wants us to unite, he wants his children to stop being killed for the color of skin he created us in but not by hate and destruction.

The media reports “illegal man arrested for drug possessions, murder, rape, selling of drugs” and so much more, followed along by “ African American man resisted policeman, caught sleeping at wheel, black on black murder, theft, etc”. The media has turned into a weapon of division. They share stories that will cause fear and panic because the more fear and panic in the world the more you will tune in to hear their version of us. They share stories to judge each other and feel fearful for people with colored skin. They create an image of us that does not represent all of us. In every culture there is good and bad, we know this so why do you hold your purse tighter when an African American passes you by on the street? When you are at the park why do you turn around to see what others are doing to only scream at them and tell them to go back to their country, or call the police? Not you? Great but if you see it do you speak up for them? Or do you simply walk away and turn away? 4.1 Percent of innocent inmates are sentenced to death being innocent. As you may have guessed yes most of them are African American. Some may get a decreased sentence even with evidence proving their innocence.

You may not think you are racist but having privilege and not using it for a better cause is just the same. How do you personally treat people and how do you react when you see inhumanity? We weren’t created to stand by and do nothing, nor to say nothing when we see injustice. We were created to make change and love one another. We can’t turn a blind eye and say because we aren’t hurting them that we aren’t part of the problem or that we see everyone the same color. God wants us to see the different things that make us unique. God made us in different shades, languages, and cultures, we should embrace each other and teach our children that every shade of color is equal. It’s now to speak up for each other, it’s now to defend each other, to protect each other. It’s now to teach our children that we are all different but we are all God’s children, we all came from a mother, a father, even if we don’t have the same story we are all human nothing separates us. Teach your children about love and kindness and seeing the beauty in the world, when they see beauty in everything they will not harm, they will not spew hate, they will not litter the earth they live on, they will not destroy their homes, they will not cause pain upon each other.

Past generations have brought hate into the world, hate for black, brown, yellow, and white. Hate does not drive out hate, love does. Love will move mountains, love stand with Jesus, love will create change. Nothing comes from destruction, destroying our cities does not create sympathy it creates more fear to us. Let us pull people closer and see us for who we are beautiful created humans. We can not hold judgement in our hands, we can not walk around with revenge in our hearts but with welcomeing arms open saying “THIS IS ME I’M BEAUTIFUL, I’M BROWN, I’M PROUD, I’M LOUD ,I’M CAPABLE OF CHANGE AND I WELCOME YOU TO GET TO KNOW ME AND NOT LISTEN TO WHAT THE ENEMY SAYS”. The enemy has been at work for a long time to divide in how we each handle these times. The enemy has prepared to isolates us and have us distance each other. Do not separate yourself because not all your friends speak up the way you do, we all fight different. As for me and my household we will continue to serve The Lord, we will continue to teach our son about the truth of the world and the beauty in ALL of God’s creations, we will continue to stand for TRUTH IN THE BIBLE and not media. The Bible says to love ALL ABOVE EVERYTHING. We will stand in unity and speak up for our African American/Latino brothers and sisters. Love wins, not today satan not ever.



Heavenly Father I am tired of seeing innocent people killed, I am sickened by the destruction I am seeing, my heart hurts from the words people are speaking with so much hate towards each other. You created us equal, all God’s people to love one another. My brothers and sisters are taking arms against each other and I pray you will speak to them and fill them with your love and wisdom. Let me cause no offense and have courage to speak up when I see people in pain. If I have privilege let me use it for good as you work for me. Bring back peace and compassion for humanity.

I stand with love wearing God’s armor, fully protected from the enemy
— Shantel Dormady

“Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! Never payback evil with more evil.

Romans 12:16-18

“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!

Psalm 133:1

Are we not all children of the same Father? Are we not all created by the same God?

Malachi 2:10

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

John 13:35

A little worship never hurt

I believe music is therapy it can take us in a whirl of emotions and bring revolution some of us can’t find in scripture, or by reading. I want to connect with everyone who comes across this blog whether it’s by words or music. I want you to connect with God and feel the power within you. May every song I share with you bring a new awakening.