Words Of Kindness


What was the last kind word you spoke? 5 minutes ago? 5 hours ago? Or maybe 5 days ago? It seems silly to keep track but what if without intention you actually haven’t spoken a kind word lately. We live busy lives, we go from one place to another and forget that the tongue is our most powerful weapon. It’s what can bring someone down or lift someone up. A simple “you are doing amazing”, smile, or prayer can bring someones spirit up. Most of us walk around like we are not going through struggle but realistically we all are in battle. Take the time to compliment strangers, take the time to check in on family and friends, instead of bringing gossip into relationships bring kindness. Your kids are watching how you talk to others and how you speak about others , you are setting the tone for the next generation, and with that being said there is no room for hatred. Stop teaching your child stereotypes, stop telling them what country is the “greatest” because we are all equally made humans. Stop creating division in their hearts with what you speak.

We weren’t created as parents to lead them to politics, patriotic, or prejudice. We have only one job and that is to guide them to a life of serving our Heavenly Father. Although that may look different to all of us, I advise to really sink into the word over and over and HEAR what God is speaking to your heart. We have to take responsibility for building a world of rash comments, and fast judgement. Take accountability for making excuses for evil and violence. If you have cut others with your words publicly apologize publicly. Intentional or not apologize when you have misspoken. We are quick to share our deep rooted opinions and offend those who do not view the same but we must be quick to mend the pain we cause. Two wrongs will never make it right, your reason of justification will never be validation for offending a brother/sister. The next time you pick up the sword with your tongue I urge you forget what you want to say and find it in scripture, because God’s words are always better than our own.



Father I let my emotions take over me frequently and I allow my tongue to speak out of frustration and anger. I know I am not perfect and I want to speak more from the heart and not the pain I am feeling. I want to open my mind to what others are saying and seek if there is any wisdom in it, instead of attacking them. Let me be mindful in what I say, preach and teach others. Let me be mindful that my way is not the only way and that YOURS is above my views. Let me beware about who I portray myself in person and on social media because I know I can cause the same amount of pain and healing. From this day forward may I speak kindness instead of judgment.

Be knowledgeable and kind with the tongue, it’s the sword and the healer.
— Shantel Dormady

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Ephesians 4:29

“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.”

James 1:26

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Proverbs 12:18

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1


A little worship never hurt

I believe music is therapy it can take us in a whirl of emotions and bring revolution some of us can’t find in scripture, or by reading. I want to connect with everyone who comes across this blog whether it’s by words or music. I want you to connect with God and feel the power within you. May every song I share with you bring a new awakening.