Biblical Parenting


Children what else can be more sweet and rewarding? What else can bring such love into our lives and at the same time drive our minds into chaos. They are what we leave behind and the memory of who we were. For my husband and I we chose to raise him into who God wants him to be. With that meant a commitment of extra school time at home and Bible study. Now that he is six I see so much of God's teaching in him. It has grown over time and I feel no greater reward than watching his love for God. We were meant to give our children to God and help raise them to be who God intended them to be. "What is your ultimate goal for you child?" For me it is for my son to love God with his entire heart. I have a knowing that if my son loves God and follows God he will not only survive but thrive in life. In today's generation most parents want their child to have money, or be workaholics, they want their children to know all the popular songs and new hip dances. Most only see the present for them and not the future or the eternal life God has for them. We need to recognize what God has planned for our children, we need to open our eyes put them on the path for their eternal life. If you do not chase God for yourself, chase God for your children. Even if they are grown up and have a life of their own never stop praying and trying to bring the word of God to them. Never stop believing that your influence as a parent is limited. Everyone has a way of parenting. We all have what works in our homes, but in every home we should welcome God and his word. 


"A parents love starts with the love we have for God and is limited by what we are willing to do for him."
-Shantel Dormady

Dear Lord I ask you to help me raise my children. I want my child to grow within you. I want the life you have for them and not the life I want. I trust your plans, I trust you even when I'm afraid. What greater dream can i have for them than what you intended. Show me how to guide them to you Lord. Amen

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

" Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up." Deuteronomy 11:19


A little worship never hurt

I am hopeful that this song will speak into your hearts and bring an overwhelming love for God. To live a life for God even if it just starts with singing and dancing for our God. 

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady