A Giving heart


Every choice has a consequence and every decision we make leads us onto a different path, just as every moment in our lives has a butterfly effect. What we do with the time we have on this earth is a greater importance for the future. It doesn't matter how small it is or that you are just one person. It takes one moment to change everything. Do you give to get back? Do you make kind gestures and help others only to seek help in return and a favor in the future? Giving is about giving selflessly. It isn't to hold over others and say to yourself and others about how much you give and how people do not give back to you. Look deeply into your heart and find what your true motivation is. You can't hold what you do for others over them. You can't expect people to be helpful and be generous if you do not give it with true sincerity. Just like any apology without sincerity it is empty and useless. Give without wanting any future promise, give because you believe in a investment, give because you see a future of people helping each other and not trying to be greater than one another. Do you invest into the school your child goes to? With donations or time? Do you tithe in your home church, or serve your church? Or do you go for the service and expect God to hand you everything you want. When you pass a homeless person do you start to judge them and accuse them instead of speaking a word of prayer to the money you could give them? There are so many moments we have in the day to create a butterfly effect of giving. Giving isn't only about money it's about time, it's about helping out a friend or stranger only to hope that you have made an impact on their life of giving. Give the gift of friendship, true friendship. Be a bother or a sister to someone who does not have someone. Be the blessing someone has prayed for and the help someone has asked God for. We can all change the selfishness of this world and have it become a world of being a giver. Give selfishly, and give with your entire heart.


"Be a giver not a taker, Be generous but not for generosity" 

Dear Lord I struggle to give without wanting anything in return. I want to be less selfish and more like you. I want to help others and be hopeful that a chain of giving will start. I want to effect the world and not let the world affect me. If you give me blesses help me to know to share those blessings. Amen

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."Luke 6:38

"The wicked borrow and do not repay,

but the righteous give generously." Psalm 37:21

"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." Matthew 6:2


A little worship never hurt

I hope with this song it can motivate you to believe that you are the change and the help you want in the world. Sometimes the answers we have waited for have been there all along, sometimes we are the answer. If we want change and we have to become it.

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady