Live a life worth living


Vacations vacations vacations! Who doesn't love them? I know I do. I've become quiet the addict if I'm telling the truth. They come and go and once they are gone how do you feel? Bittersweet? That's about right, but do you feel like going right back after returning home? Heres a question to answer... Are you happy with the life you created when you are home? Are your vacations really you running away? Do you find yourself happier when you aren't home? Okay sorry it was more than one question but I want you to see the pattern there. Nothing is wrong with vacations as long as you love the life back at home also. Do you have a life worth living? Are you living it for someone else, your job, bills? Yes providing is important, yes being a caring person and helping others is the right way but giving your life for others and slaving away to work is not what God intended us to do. What do your kids think about you...are you fun at home or only on trips? What time do you spend with your spouse and do you enjoy each other? Or would you rather escape them? Is your work draining you so much you just want to scream that you quit? What if our everyday lives can be filled with just as much as happiness as a vacation? What if instead of dreading to come home we can't wait to get home to the life we have created? We can choose to live everyday with as much as excitement and joy as when we are away. It starts with creating a life we truly want, even in the process find the happiness. I was never able to find the happiness at home until about 3 years ago. I used to believe the only time worth being happy was out on vacation, an outing with our son or when we planned a date night. We had to learn how to enjoy all moments of our days even the little ones. Like when my husband comes home to me, dinner time, family time, cleaning time when we are together, every store run and the moments our son is sick. God has blessed every moment in our life, the good the bad and the waiting. He filled every moment with blessings so that it will be a life worth standing in and not running away. Create a life worth coming back to. Take a leap of faith and change what exhaust you. Take control and improve the atmosphere in your home. Do you want a week of memories and laughter or a lifetime of feeling a vacation filled life?


"Create a life you don't need a vacation from"


How to build a life worth living

  1. Change your attitude into a positive outlook

  2. Spend time with what makes you happiest

  3. Find healthy surroundings

  4. Create a better atmosphere at home


Dear Lord I don't want to feel tired of my life anymore. I want to love the life I have at home and not look for happiness anywhere else. I want every moment in my life to be taken as a memory I will always cherish even the bad. Help me change my outlook and atmosphere around me and at home so that I may become pleasant to be around and attract. Amen

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
-Psalm 118:24


A little worship never hurt

I pray that this song will fill you with the holy spirit and bring you to dance, to sing and find the joy in life. Make it your wake up song to encourage you everyday is filled with happiness and a greater living. Our God has promised us a life worth living, go seek it!

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady