The Truth Is Out!


Mom and dad...we believe no one else will love us more than them. We believe that there is no one greater that wants greatness for us, but what if we could just open our eyes and set them on our heavenly father. Our father who created us and designed us. Theres no doubt that for most of us our parents gave us a warm childhood and believed in our dreams. For some of us our parents were the first to abandon us, the first to fear and hurt us. The one important lesson we can learn from this is that although our heavenly parents may let us down our heavenly father could never. It is not in his nature to abandon us, he never stops fighting for us and or dreams. Sometimes our pain is a way of his hand reaching out to us. He plants a seed of him in us just waiting to be watered, just waiting to be heard. What he wants for us isn't always what we want so we tend to walk away and say it's to hard, or that dream isn't for me or that we are not qualified but let me tell you this YOU ARE SO QUALIFIED! Who can be more qualified than the child of God. You are so loved by your father, you are so admired by your father. There isn't anything he wouldn't do for you. There isn't anything he would take away that he knows you can't handle. You are not defined by what your earthly parents say of you, or your friends and enemies you are defined by who God says you are! I can't say it loud enough about the truth, the truth that the enemy doesn't want you to know. You're SAVED. You're the reflection and image of God himself and because he lives in us there is nothing you can't do. There is more good you can do than harm if you open your heart and eyes. Stop living in the past and the hurts of this world. Open your eyes and see that your past will not, and CAN NOT hold you back. You are the son/daughter of a king and you have nothing to fear but fear itself, and nothing to stop you but the box you put yourself in. There is a calling for each of us, there is an invitation for each of us to give out. It's not about what we do not have in our lives but what we do have and how to use it to bless others. Our pain is our lessons we can teach and our lessons are our weapons. Accept God's invitation to YOURlife.


"Fear Paralyze you, but God delivers freedom and confidence." 

- Shantel Dormady

Dear Lord I want to know you deeper. I want to know what you have written for me not what I have. You who created me, how can you not love me the most. You love me unconditionally and never let me down. You never abandon me even when I have felt alone you were always there. You will not forsaken me so I will not leave you. I am who you say I am. I am loved. I am a child of God.

"For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

 Galatians 5:13-14

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" 

1 John 3:1


A little worship never hurt

We are children of a champion, the one who has never lost and who gets the last word. Very often we forget who we are and who created us. Let this be a reminder of who you are and who is fighting for you. We already won!

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady