Who Said?


Who said the church needed to be filled with saints instead of sinners? Who said we could turn away anyone seeking salvation? Salvation belongs to us. Our names are seated next to our savior in heaven. So many people have fear towards the church and religious people because of the judgement some put out. We are to be filled with wisdom and open loving arms but instead there are people being turned away. The church belongs to the broken, the sinners, the ones who have no where else to go, it is not meant to be a place of perfect people. We are Christ followers that means we are to live as Jesus did when he walked this earth. Never once did he turn away a sinner, never once did he say your sin is too great to be forgiven. Many churches want to judge the people in their seats and have them feel shame over them. They want to scare the belivers and have them believe we have to earn our spots by money and a sinless life. Impossible our God made us perfectly imperfect. He made us to have a conscience and learn from our past. We all need the cross, we all need the light from heaven on us. Our darkest place is sometimes the place we have the greatest light to share with others. There is happiness in every situation and every dark place. If a church has hurt you do not stay hurt, find a church filled with healing, warm hearts and smiles. It takes time and sometimes it just takes one visit to find a place to truly call home. We are ALL GOD'S PEOPLE so let us uplift one another and not tear each other down by our sins. We are all sinners and no sin is greater than any other. Let us become a nation free of judgement and build relationships with people we can shine a light on. Let our churches be filled with people who serve and not want to only be served. Do not look down, do not speak ill and do not believe someone does not have the right to stand where you stand and praise just as you praise. Our praise is for our God and not for us. God is calling for his warriors, he is speaking love into every part of the world to fill our homes, and churches with forgiveness and love. Let us open our eyes and focus them on our Heavenly father. 

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

(Even harry Potter can teach us a thing or two)

Oh Lord please help me not to judge others and condemn them of their sins. You know my sins and my own thoughts. You know I am not a perfect child. Help me to be the light in someones dark times and to have open arms filled with compassion and healing. Change my heart and focus it on building your Holy army. Amen

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
-Romans 12:16

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

-Hebrews 10:24-25


A little worship never hurt

Hopeful that this song will bring joy to your heart and a confidence that no matter what your past looks like you can have freedom and a shameless life. God moved mountains and worked miracles through broken people. He made sinners into prophets. Your brokeness is beautiful. Know that God has the impossible for you,

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady