This Ones For The Mothers


There will never be a day where being a mother is easy. There isn't a playbook you get. Learning is being a mom and struggling is being a mom. The journey is PRICELESS, don't let anyone tell you different. It's the late nights and early mornings and sometimes the nights without sleep that we see the love we have for our children. It's when they feel sick and we pray for their wellness and health. The constant worry about their future. We often feel that we aren't enough that we could do so much more but little do we see that we are at the center of our children's eye. We are the center of their universe. I know it's hard to believe it sometimes. The fighting we do with them, the sass we may get back and the relentless feeling of not getting appreciated at times makes us want to give up, but guess never do. You keep going, you keep loving and doing your best all with a smile on your face. That is what our kids will remember. Mom never gave up, mom never let life get to her, mom she was always filled with love, she never took the easy way, she always chose LOVE. God made mothers the most important person in this life. He made us to create and give life. That was no mistake, he knew only women could do what we do. He knew only us could take care of a home, raise the children, provide for them, be the chauffeur, the doctor, the teacher and the comforter. We are the heart of the home so rest in the struggles and enjoy the time we have. Know that you are enough, you are beautiful, you are smart, you do get it right and you are so loved. Never forget that God chose you to be a mother whether that came from many miscarriages, IVF, adoption or marriage. We are mothers and there is nothing stronger than a mother's love. We have a unique spirit in us burning never let anyone steal it, never let anyone wash it away. You are not hopeless you are SUPERMOM!


" A mothers love carries what no one else can carry, her words are healing, her hands are the proof of her love and her wrinkles are the imprints of her worry."

Heavenly Father I can't say thank you enough times for blessing me with motherhood. I can never grasp the words to describe this feeling of love you have put int my heart every time I see my child, overtime I think of my child. At times I feel that I am not enough, I feel lost and hopeless but you say who I am. I am a mother, a good mother, a Holy mother, a mother choose by you and when I seem to forget remind me, remind me so that i may shut louder for my gratitude of your blessing, shout louder for the love of my children. Amen. 

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. 

John 19:25-27


A little worship never hurt

I pray this song will fill your heart with joyfulness and reassurance that we ourselves are God's children and just like we want our own children to look up during their difficult times, so does our heavenly father. Look up to him when you are down and feel like you can't do it on  your own. Remember that nothing can shake you, nothing can replace you.

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady