What If Or Even If


I've been a "what if" person my whole life. I wasted time and put scenerios in my mind of things that never happened. Fear is 1% of what can really happen. I thought too much of others opinions and less of what I truly wanted all because of "what if" they say this about me or "what if" they judge me. I stopped myself from reaching my own goals and hiding my own standards. It wasn't until I fell into a depression and dealt with infidelity in my relationship that led me to going back to church and surrendering to God. I decided to do life HIS way and not my way. That meant to leave the "what if" life behind and become a "even if" person. Even if we try to heal through God and we do not work out we can still take the tools we learned and apply them to another aspect of our lives. Even if we we still fight let us fight for each other and the love we have. Everything changed for us. It took us from saying "we got this" to "God's got this". We stopped blaming each other and started saying what is God trying to show us. WHAT IS GOD saying to you? What is God telling you to let go of and to stop being afraid of? Change the negative "what if" into a positive phrase... "what if I actually succeeded" , "what if we can actually make this work" , "what if I got enough courage to say what is on my mind". I am now a "even if" women. I live every day filled with even if this happens i'll still continue to do things through God because ONLY GOD CAN! My church started this year with saying this is an ONLY GOD year and everyday has been. Even if it is the little things those matter. This year I started my Blog and it took me to let go of my fear of opinions from others. It led me to say even if only one person reads this it will be fulfilling enough because it has helped someone and that is something only God can do. My broken relationship turned into a marriage and my marriage is growing but even if we have our bad days we still know with God as our foundation we will remain one. Our son is a healthy smart kind child but even if he turns away from God in the future I know God will chase after him and bring him home. Fear is not welcomed in my life anymore and I pray that it will be drawn out of yours as well. It is God over fear and God always drives out our fears.

"Fear has no authority over my Father's life for me" 

-Shantel Dormady

Dear heavenly Father, I have so much fear in my life. I fear failure, people's opinions of me, losing my relationship and fear over my child. Please draw out the fear over my life, there is no more room in my life for it. I want my life to be filled with grace and confidence. I renounce my doubts and "what if" scenarios. I will live a "even if" life and know there is nothing you can not and will not do for me. Amen

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

-Matthew 6:34

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

-1 Peter 5:6-7

"The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?"

-Psalm 118:6

"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy."

-Psalm 94:19


A little worship never hurt

Let this help you when you feel fear coming back into your life, let this be a reminder that there is no room for fear. We are born to succeed, our paths are already made and waiting for us to walk on. Our confidence comes from our Father in heaven and HIS WAYS are always higher and good. I pray you will remember God is good all the time, even if there are detours and obstacles.

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady