Growing & Glowing


Isn't it amazing that the one who created us made us able to become better and greater everyday?! Isn't it lovely that God made us imperfectly perfect so we can run after him to be more like him?! I thank you God for giving me the realization of growth and learning how to thrive in every aspect in my life. Everything that I have come to be today is through the growth you whisper to me. I lived so much of my life stubborn into my own ways. There are so many areas in your life that you can grow in. If you are sitting here reading this saying you have nothing to grow in, then that right there is what to grow in. Be humble, be kind and be consistant. For me I am learning how to grow in my faith, as a mother, as a wife and an individual. They each collide but they each start on their own. Own your growth, stop making excuses! Stop saying well I have a bad attitude because of others, stop putting your actions onto others. Reflect within yourself and learn to be honest with yourself. The persona you put on with others about your marriage, life and finaces isn't being bought and until you admit it you can never fully grow. I have the habiat of cursing too much and when I decided to work on it came just saying "yes I do this and I am working on it". Own who you are today so that you may be able to be a better you tomorrow. Growth isn't always easy it takes strength, honesty, and most of all God, but as time passes and you see how far you've come you won't want to stop becoming better. You will have this new glow about you that no one can take away and a new outlook on life. You will want to be around such positive people who value growth and honesty instead of gossip and child like ways. If you have a spouse it's very important to grow together and apart. People tend to grow apart in a marriage and we have to remember no matter how long we been married to never stop getting to know each other. Friendships may change and you may become a different person but never feel bad for outgrowing a friend when you have become happier. Do not let the fear of losing others and your old self keep you from becoming who God intended you to be.


"If we are always growing we are always going to want to be out of our comfort zone" - John C. Maxwell

Steps to start growth

  1. Build a relationship with God. The reason for this is if we do not believe in GOD we do not believe in the need of change.

  2. Pray about who you want to become & patient

  3. LEAVE toxic friendships & relationships

  4. Start having some alone time to be honest and reflect who you are and who you truly want to be

  5. Surround yourself with honest people who want to see the growth in themselves and others.


Lord I ask you to take who I am today and transform me into who you see me as. I ask you give me patience in seeing change. I ask for you to fill my mind, body and soul with honesty and the Holy spirit so that I may be able to see the imperfections in myself and start a change. Make me more of you and less of who I am today. Please remove those who are in my way, and lead me to people more like you. Amen. 

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


A little worship never hurt

This song is all about a new you. A new life, a new vision. Chains break, the ground is made new and so are you. Give yourself to the words and let GOD make you into who he sees you and not who you see yourself. 

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady