Thank You 2018..Next


It's been 365 days since the last time you said "next year will be my year". Next year I will be the new me, the better me. Well let's do something different, stop making resolutions you know you will fail at. Take it day by day just trying to do your best and be your best for that day. You can't control every outcome and you shouldn't beat yourself up about it and how you handled it. All you can do is learn from it and grow. We have to learn to be grateful for the good and bad in each year. Be grateful that you fell and got right back up, be grateful for the job you lost because you are free to find what you are truly happy doing, be grateful for the friendships you lost because it welcomed new and stronger ones. For the spouse who gave up on you they didn't know God can restore a dead marriage, so let your heart fill with hope. Let your heart fill with Jesus's love to lead you to your future. There is always light, there is always a lesson learned in every heartbreak, and failure. This was a ONLY GOD YEAR for my church and I. I saw my church planted in different locations, I saw children being saved for the first time, and marriages being healed. I saw God working in so many people and my heart has been filled with so much joy. Sometimes it's not what God does for our lives it's what he does for others. I started this Blog for one reason only and it was even it my words can help heal one person and one person only it would bring me purpose I didn't know I was meant for. I have a long road ahead of me, I have so much to learn still but I feel blessed that 2018 was the year God planted the seed for awordfromshan. Only God did that. Only God kept my son safe from any harm and in good health. Only God got my husband and I through our rough seasons of finances. He has never left us without and always provided our needs even if it was just enough to get by. From those seasons we gained a different kind of love we wouldn't be able to achieve without struggling together. It's usual for most couples who go through money dryness to argue or and blame one another or push away from another, but God saw us through it with love and understanding. Understanding that we are one and this is a fight we are fighting together with God not against each other. Understanding that we are not in competition with anyone but ourselves and most of all we got through it with LOVE. They say that LOVE is not enough sometimes, that it can not heal wounds and it can not fix every situation, but I say different. I saw God's love create a marriage built on his trust. I saw my husband's love create enough money to provide for his family. I see God's love every time I look at my child, telling me I am enough as a mother. I saw God take the love in my marriage and have it grow were we can whole heartedly say money will not break us. We are rich in love and health. We are rich in the friends and families we have. We found inner peace and ONLY GOD made it possible. I am so thankful for God's timing and blessings in disguise. I want YOU to ask yourself what was your only God moment in 2018. What is a moment you know only God could do it, a moment where God taught you something no one else could. I want to end this year giving thanks to fellow readers. Whether I know you in my personal life or know you by my words. I want to say thank you for being on this journey with me, for supporting a young mother and wife who only wants to bring healing and God's word. Never stop believing in the words of Jesus and the life lessons he is teaching us. Have a happy and safe new year!


"Even the drum stops beating my heart will keep on singing. "

-The church will sing

Dear Lord, thank you for this year of life. Thank you for seeing me through every trial. I know I complain, I know I want to give up sometimes and lack trust in you. Forgive me, I know your plans are higher. You will not leave me. You will not abandon me. So even when the days get dark I will find the light and when the days get rough i will pray and stay faithful.

He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.
-Deuteronomy 10:21

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God.
-Luke 18:27


A little worship never hurt

I pray this year has been a grateful year for you. I pray this song will be a light into the new year. Never stop singing, never stop believing in God's timing. Let the praise of our father never go silent. Our father is bigger than any trial to come and with God on our side what do we really have to fear?

Shantel DiazPonce-Dormady