

Belief isn’t faith



Ephesians 2:8-10



Today’s modern Christianity would have you thinking that all you need is belief to be a Christian. Belief is more than just believing there is a creator, it’s feeling him inside of you: apart of your spirit. It’s knowing without your faith you couldn’t exist and do not deserve to. Some churches only want you to see Christianity with rose colored glasses but in reality most days aren’t like that. Our faith can move mountains but it doesn’t stop them from appearing on our path. Christianity is broken people picking up their crosses everyday, surrendering our ways for HIS. It’s a fight against your flesh that tells you what you feel is normal so act on it. It’s ignoring societies opinion because you know it holds no value against God’s word. Belief is on the way of becoming a true follower of Christ, so why do so many people stop there and call themselves a Christian? Unfortunately people are being deceived with the lie that they can be part of this world and walk with God. You’ll never truly know God living this way. God comes to season us and prepare us for HIS kingdom, but the enemy comes to distract us with material distractions and temporally happiness. See being a Christ follower comes with being hated by the word, mocked, persecuted and in some cases death. That’s the part most want to avoid but you can’t. You can’t grow in your relationship with God when the only Christ in you is written on your social media bio. Truth is most of us aren’t ready to let go what the world taught us is normal and fun from society, but I can promise there is so much more fun when you give your life to God. There has to be more than belief, faith awakens you. You have the power to walk side by side with the one who created you, as one. There’s so many lost because they think that’s enough yet can’t understand why God isn’t answering their prayers. Faith can do much more than belief. Faith changes everything, including you.



James 2:26

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

James 1:2-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


Lord help me to have more than belief but walk in faith. Give me faith in the unseen and the unknown, rest my burdens onto you and speak to me more than i hear my own thoughts. Let nothing distract me any longer. I want to know you personally and not by stories. Change my heart to believe in you and your goodness. I want faith that can’t be shaken and hope that last in all trials.

In Jesus name





May our heavenly father speak to you so loudly that you can’t ignore him. Causing a shift inside of you that your spirit can no longer go without God’s presence. Let it bring you to surrender and live a new life, one that walks with him instead of away. May all doubts be cast aside and walk in the faith of the unseen but the promise of what God has spoken to you. Walk everyday as new, you have been set free!




  • Elohim - “God”

  • Abba - “Father”

  • Yahweh - “The Lord

  • El Elyon - “God Most High”

  • El Roi - "God Who Sees”

  • El Shaddai - “God Almighty”

  • Yahweh Yireh - “The Lord Will Provide”

  • Yahweh Nissi - “The Lord Is My Banner” 

  • Jehovah Rapha - "Healer" Yahweh Shalom - “The Lord Is Peace”